Hulls & Submerged Structures

Biofouling on a ship’s hull directly affects the hydrodynamic efficiency, creating drag and significantly increasing fuel consumption, exhaust gas emissions, and trip duration. As biofouling worsens, the cost of operating the ship rises exponentially.

Hull Protection

 Bio-fouling on a vessels hull quickly becomes a major issue, reducing the vessels speed and decreasing the efficiency of the vessel by increasing fuel consumption. As fuel represents 60-70% of the operating costs of many ship operators it is critical that the hull be considered for additional protection over the standard anti-foulant paints available.

ENVSonic has carefully worked with ship operators to identify the right solution for ships hulls.
Taking many factors into account;

  • The high surface area necessary for protection
  • Multiple operating modes (ballast / laden)
  • The need to control costs and the need for solid ROI
  • The need for reliable real world monitoring (reducing additional load on crew)
  • High reliability, error detection and low cost serviceable parts
  • The limited windows of opportunity during docking cycles for installation

With all of these factors in mind, our development team has been hard at work to create a new and more powerful ship based system specifically for scale installations to achieve solid results with a low cost and high ROI.


Enquire about ENVSonic Ultrasonic Antifouling Systems

Enquire now to open a dialogue, obtain our literature and get protected. We are happy to discuss your requirements and answer any questions.